About LOTRO Silverlode Forums

An alternative place for LOTRO Silverlode discussions. 

This site is no way associated with the official LOTRO forums, and does not make any claims to be, but merely an alternative place to meet  and have discussions with friends.


To go to the official LOTRO forum site go to: http://forums.lotro.com/

<------now go to the alternative forums!

NOTE! Unregistered users can only view the forum titled: "Who's Here"


When you register and and your application gets approved, you will have full access to all parts of this sites forums and posting.

There are moderators here, just very laid back ones ;)

Lets still try to respect each other, and if you have a reason or feel a post should be removed, send a private mail. 

The purpose of this site is to try to make it a real community venture, so if you got skills to make site better or suggestions to make it better... post in the appropriate forum or shoot me a PM.

Basic Forum Rules:

  • Have Fun
  • Keep it Real
  • Keep it Chill

Racist insults, religious insults, and pointless personal insults & remarks such as those directed towards another person will be grounds for post deletion and ban of the user.

So don't get your panties in a wad when it happens.

If questionable or offensive postings occur, this is how it's gonna be:

  • 1st time- You are issued a warning
  • 2nd time- You will be removed as a user for 7days
  • 3rd time-You will be removed for 14 days
  • 4th time-30 to 60 days
  • 5th time- Indefinite removal

Apparently there needs to be clear rules and expectations here. Though we might not all get along at times, there are things that will not be tolerated here. Racism and religious insults will not be tolerated. PERIOD.....So consider yourself warned.


*If you feel that a posting is offensive, or of questionable material, please send a PM stating your reasons to a designated moderator*

Lets try to keep this a place that's chill.





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